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Woodborer Control
Woodborer Control
Do you see white powder in your wooden cupboards and drawers everyday, which comes back the very next day even if you clean it? If yes, then most likely you have a problem of borer.

Powder Post Beetle is commonly called Wood Borer. They are very destructive and reduce precious wood into dust.

Wood Borers are about 4mm long and dark brown to black in colour. They spend their life in wood. And thus they live in their food.

They lay eggs in cracks/pores in wood. Life cycle of the insect is unlike animals or human beings. The egg hatch to become larva, then pupa and finally the adult. The larva starts eating voraciously on wood thereby making tunnels inside wood.

The powder or dust falling from the holes in the wood is the excreta of the borers and undigested cellulose of wood.

The adults finally emerge by making tiny pin size holes.

The life cycle of woodborers is about one year.

Wood in your premises can get infested by cross infestation i.e. from wood infested by woodborers, brought from outside. The infestation generally remains hidden for a long time without giving any indication of its presence. It is noticed after completion of one generation, after the excreta starts falling from the holes.

The Wood Borers are controlled by injecting the insecticides in the holes with a syringe. The entire wood is also sprayed with insecticide.

For Wood Borers a contract of three months is generally sufficient. After initial major treatment, we come on call i.e. whenever you see powder falling again, please call us. In most cases, three months treatment is enough. If the infestation is not controlled by three months, it will be necessary to enter into one year's contract.
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